Tintin said...
Will be very grateful if anyone can tell me how to get rid of gas build up in the bag? It gets very embarrassing in public even though I wear loose clothing. It still shows. I am using Hollister New Image 2 piece system with filter but it doesn't seem to do anything? Am I supposed to punch a hole at the filer area? Wouldn't watery waste come out this way?
Unfortunately, filters tend to be useless after the first 12 - 24 hours for ileostomates. This is because our output can get watery and clog up the filter. They tend to work better for colostomates whose output is thicker.
In time, the gas will lessen for you although it will never completely disappear (if it does, then you are in trouble cos gas shows the bacteria inside you is working properly). Try having a little in your tummy at all times. No eating means no food in your tummy which means nothing for the bacteria to work on and hence gas will happen instead.
You can have a look at http://www.ostomates.org/diet.html for foods which can cause gas. However, I don't like limiting my diet just because of my ostomy (I control it, not the other way round) so I just put up with it and 'burp' my bag as needed (if I'm alone). If not, I go to the loo and empty it.
Tintin also said...
Also, still have problem taking a bath/shower. Doesn't water always erode the skin barrier?
Most people have no problem taking a bath or shower with or without their wafer on. Yes, the water can erode the wafer in some cases, although usually it just makes it wet, but for others, it can actually help the wafer stick better once it's dried again. Some people like to 'picture frame' their wafer with waterproof tape (aka hytape or pink tape) but I've never been able to get it so no water gets in so I don't bother.
After you hop out of the shower, try drying it with a hair dryer on it's lowest setting. That should help the wafer stick down again if the water has made it loose. I just towel dry around the wafer and let my body heat dry it naturally. It's what works best for you that is the key to ostomy living.
Good luck.