Well I've got two questions.
I had my surgery for the illostomy in July and it's not reversable due to colon cancer.
My Doctor cleared me to start working out again and since I started I've been getting pain along the lower half of my scar from the surgery. I think it's just from working out and using the muscles again but just wonder if anyone has had the same thing happen.
Doctor checked and couldn't find anything wrong and gave me the advice to stop working out but I need to get back in shape again. Working out is good for my body and mind so won't give it up.
Second thing is about what you can eat. They told me not to eat raw veggies or any kind of nut because it could cause a blockage.
But I can't see not eating salads or raw veggies the rest of the time so once again if anyone has some advice on that I'd greatly appriecate it. I've read all the stuff they give you on what to eat and what not but it's very vague.
Thanks to all that reply