Hello everyone!! Yesterday I posted a pretty long reply, only for an error to occur - ERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
BOOTY-BOO-HOO - My post was especially long for you and in now way can I remember all of the details I typed - I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!! No, I haven't forgetten you!
First, remember you're just now only 10 days (9 days yesterday when I posted) post-op and that is still very, very soon. Please DON'T get discouraged!! I'm so sorry that your hospital stay wasn't a good one.
You will be sore and especially tender for a few weeks. I was extremely sore for 12 weeks post-op. Your exhaustion is another issue all together. I didn't seem to get my strength and energy back until 16 weeks post-op. Your doctor's reply that your body, in a sense, is in shock - that is absolutely correct. Please keep in mind ALL the poking, prodding, and moving around they did inside your belly.
Also, everyone handles this surgery and recovery process in their own way - WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Some of the others here had less problems and a shorter recovery time, where others had more problems and a longer recovery recovery post-op. This thread is a WONDERFUL place for support and encouragement, however, NOTHING, NO MATTER WHAT WE SAY, will or can prepare us for what or how we feel immediately after surgery. THIS IS A "HUGE" SURGERY!!!!!
I couldn't agree more with PhyllisB's response that the worst IS OVER. It will only be a matter of weeks until you begin to share your success story with us and start encouraging others. Just continue to take it easy and listen to your body - don't overdo it!!!
I'm with you regarding the doctor saying we can return to a "regular" diet - RIGHT, LOL!! I wasn't able to tolerate red meat AT ALL for weeks, in fact, dairy wasn't too good for me either. My diet consisted of soup, instant mashed potatoes, cream of wheat, bananas, pudding, jello - things like that AND in very small quantities. I can assure you that you will regain you appetite soon enough LOL!!
I will tell you that ALL of my post-op "trials and discomforts" were worth everything I went thru and if I had to make the choice again I would do it all over again!! I have regained my life. Considering I suffered for 40 plus years - the 16 weeks post-op healing time frame is NOTHING and my FUTURE will only continue to get better.
JILLIBEAN - I'm still amazed that you were able to return to work in the time you did. I'm blessed that I don't work outside of the home (like picking up and cleaning a house isn't a job LOL). I too am happy with my decision to have this surgery and your correct, your future will be bright!! That's great about your rough dry skin clearing up.
ADVISESEEKER - PhyllisB gave you some great advise and I agree whole heartedly!! I knew I couldn't live another year of my life "sick" with Colonic Inertia. It wasn't any type of life in so many words. I can only tell you, like I explained to Booty-Boo-Hoo, this is a HUGE surgery and recovery process, however, it does get better in time. You will also begin posting your success story with the rest of us who've already been thru it!!