Thank you for all your support it means alot to me. We have had alot of
teenage deaths within the pass 6 months. All were car accidents including
drug, ecexpt one was succide. All these young teens were in our High School
or just graduated last year. My nephew & neice know all of them and even
dated two of them. I think how hard it is on these teens who lost loved
ones. When I think of it I say why take someone so young when they
can have someone older and not healthy someone who has missing peices
and doesn't have a good life. Don't get me wrong, I would here if it wasn't
for my girls, they are my life. Any time I want to take the easy way out
there is a little voice that says my girls need me. I'm just worried that
one day that voice wont be there, then it's to late. I just put my daughters
though hell.
As for trying a new doctor should I go to someone else in that group since
my insurance company doen't have much to choose from.
Thank you again for your support, it does help.