Praying4healing said...
So I asked my doc would I have 2 stomas and they said no. What's that about? I really don't want two, does stuf come out of both?
A lot of surgeons don't acknowledge the smaller second opening as a stoma, which is why it's called a mucous fistula I guess lol But there will be two openings (from the same spot in the loop of bowel which is brought to the surface). A lot of people don't even realise there is a second opening because sometimes it is really tiny and they don't even notice it.
Only the working stoma that is connected to your upper digestive system will work. The other one will just sit there waiting to be connected up again when the time comes.
You may, however, find that with a loop ileostomy, you have a bowel movement via your anus. It's something the doc's forget to warn you about. Because the two openings are housed in the one bag, sometimes stool can work it's way into the mucous fistula and out via your rectum and anus. It's nothing to worry about, just scary cos you're not warned it can happen (it doesn't seem to happen too often to people though).