Yes, I have suffered from the pain of adhesions - or so that's what's been determined. Keep moving is all that I can tell you. Maybe massage the area, hot showers, tub baths, heating pad. I do know they can be painful. Keep eating as you can too.
The place that I have had most of my adhesion problems is around the outside of my duodenum and stomach! It took several years for that to be diagnosed, but thru a process of elimination, WE (meaning me and my doctor) figured it out. For me, the upper GI follow thru went thru just fine -- it is semi liquid, no digestion really to take place, no breakdown of food. Those tests came out just fine. Still in pain tho. After my original surgeon ran a scope thru the stoma to check to see if I had any other Crohn's active (negative), I was referred back to my GI doc locally to "manage the pain". I have to admit it was awful. I was on Duragesic patches for a while UNTIL I got sooooo frustrated that I called my GI and we had a real heart-to-heart talk. He told me that we had pretty much exhausted all of the testing that he could run. We could feel and see the distention and feel the areas that felt like knots. So, I asked him why we couldn't run a scan or xray or something IMMEDIATELY after I ate foods that I knew would cause a real problem? He was game to do it and to schedule me for the test as soon as I walked into the hospital xray area so everything was still in the area that was causing me sooo much pain. Guess what they found? My stomach, first of all, is now laying in the shape of a U, not like a kidney bean. And the food was obviously being "STOPPED" by some sort of adhesion or stricture right where the stomach empties into the duodenum. YIPPEEE! We actually Found SOMEthing. The Cure: He did an EGD
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is an examination of the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and upper duodenum with a small camera (flexible endoscope) which is inserted down the throat.
and when he blew my stomach up with the air so he could take a look around, well, I hate to admit this, I used some not-too-nice words. Keep in mind that you are kinda out of it at the time. You can respond to commands, but don't remember anything. The wonders of Versed! Anyway, he knew he was in the right area and as soon as I woke up, I knew the pain was gone and it had worked. So about once a year (knock on wood) I have to go thru this. Only when I have horrible, horrible heartburn and pain in the stomach tho. (btw, that is how I initially developed my gastric ulcer which is healed now). The EGD is not painful in any manner for me that I remember and Now I apologize in advance to the doc for what I am about to say!!!!!! We laugh about it.
Sorry for the rambling. Just my story. Most never ever have to deal with this. I am prone to adhesions and I do, but it is fixable for me. Thank goodness. I do know the pain of adhesions.