Hello,Moderator.It's been a while since i've been on the chatroom,but last time I was ,the site was automatically shutting down every 30 minutes.I emailed this problem to your attention and I was told it was being looked into-this was about
5-6 months ago.I haven't been to yhe chatroom in a while for an extended period of time-as in more than 15-20 minutes,but today,August 06,I've been in the chatroom for about
1 1/2 hours and the site hasn't shut down at all.I can do nothing more than say"I absolutely thank you!!!" from the bottom of my heart.The problem was making me angry,frustrated,anxious.Now that the problem has been corrected,I feel much more relaxed in the chatroom knowing I won't have the same experience again.Just as the reply stated,the problem was being looked into in order to correct it.The statment was true,the problem solved.Once again,a BIG TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU!!!!!!! You kept your word(whomever replied to the email of the problem).Lastly,THANK YOU(true,I can't say it enough!)so very,very much! Sincerely,Pasadenawheels email: hegavemenewlife @ yahoo. com (if you so wish to reply-please DON'T feel obligated to reply