Hi guys,
i know its been a minute since ive been on, but ive been adjusting to my new job. Im finally in my career path, what i actually when to school for seven years for (due to the crohns and constant sickness) So yeah! im a teacher! im teaching 6th and 7th literacy and loving it so far! just gotta get my footing with this administrative stuff.
so ne way, back on topic, i remember i was telling u guys i wanted to switch bags, and the two best suggestions i got were the coloplast assura extended wear, and the hollister new image lock n rolls. So i got the coloplast last time i ordered and i actually love them. I love the clear flange, but the filter never works and my bag blows up which i hate, and the little tabby thing is too tricky and i dont trust myself w/relasing the air and snapping it back on right (dont know if u guys remember that bad experience in target lol).
So i thought that u guys mentioned that the filters on the new image 2pieces work ok? are they inconspicuous? i've gotten spoiled w/my clear flange and the size of it, can we cut down the size of the flange? And do u guys use the tuperware snap on kind? i think i saw someone mention the sticky kind. Do these stick well? do they come aloose if ur bag gets heavy? like maybe when ur sleeping and dont empty thru the night?
Ne answers, suggestions, statements, opinions would b welcome...thanks guys!