Hi everyone I am new to this web site. My father 1 yr ago had a small bowel infarct and ended up loosing some of his small bowel and part of his asending colon. It has been a difficult go with his ileostomy. He has such a high out put. I would guess at least 4 liters day. He is eating, but also requires feeding though a tube into his stomache. Each time we try and decease his feedings, he becomes dehydrated. My theory is liquid in liquid out, but his stool never seems to get thick. We have tried sandostatin inj, imodium, lomitil but nothing seems to work. He is now considering having everything reattached but we are worried about
diarrhea and him not being able to control it. Sooo 2 issues: Dehydration at this moment, and 2: Does anyone have any experience this this type of surgery