Clyde01 said...
Hey Wade, I had my ostomy done the same day as yours, what a small world. My condition was alot different than most of the people on here, I had a near perforated colon and had to have emergency surgery. I have had my ostomy for a year+ now and will be goin back in for the reversal next month on the 12th. I am a long haul truck driver by trade and I have not had too many problems with my ostomy. I have had a couple of blow-outs but those can be cleaned up. My doctor said the same thing, I can have the reversal anytime I wanted. Honestly, I don't want to live with the bag for any longer than I have to, that's why I am goin for the reversal asap.
If you want the reversal, I say go for it, just be happy with your decision.
Good luck!!
You know, the first weekend I got out of the Nursing Home, I wanted to get in the car and hit the road. I'd been trapped in the hospital and rehab for 3 months and it felt so GOOD to get behind the wheel and go SOMEWHERE. I'm from Atlatna and my wife and I decided to go to the coast, so we went to Macon then on to Savannah. OMG I took a bunch of towels and all the "gear" and it was that first weekend that I learned that I wasn't trapped to my room or to the house with this bag... Now, I travel pretty much when I want and where I want.. and usually just take some tape and a few washcloths...
Something else that happens when you're sick for a year and it REALLY affects your work and obviously income. I had blue cross & blue shield and that picked up most of the doctor bills; hospital bills; rehab.. etc. The entire sickness was somewhere around $200,000, given teh fact I had 3 surgeries (one GB, one for this hugs puss thng - not a bedsore that was on my hip, and of course the Ileo..) Add up the fact that I simply couldn't work a lot when you're sick.. so 2007 really ate into our finances and savings which we had to draw on. 2008 I've been able to work and we've gotten out of the free-fall, but haven't recouped all we had to draw on last year.. and honestly, the financial aspect of spending another month or so out of work isn't something we can deal with yet.
I think after another year of the bag we'll be in better financial shape to finish this operation up.. The most imporant thing is that i've gotten back to a "normal" life, and that's not the case when you're sick as a dog and going to the ER every few weeks for a bag or two of water becuase you're dehydreated and have horribly low blood pressure.. I remember in rehab I'd see a lot of people.. and all they wanted to do was walk again. I know I was one of them.. Well the walker is in the storage room and altough I'm not about
to run a marathon, I've got my health back and my strength and to the everyday person I appear to be a nomal, healthy person.. I'm not disabled in any way, but I see people who are.. and believe me. I have an understanding of what they are going though. Been there. Did that.. even for just a few months. it's such a difficult life not to be able to do things you used to do without a second thought..
I'll deal with the final surgery probably next year.. then this entire chapter of my life will be closed. and the lessons I learned from it will be part of how I approach the second half of being around here :)