HAving a day......just needed to get some emotions out. I am still not doing the greatest with this bag and still have no appetite, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact I am on vicodin still for pain, zofran, celexa, antibiotic for abscess, and xanax. they keep me going through the day, but i feel no appetite at most times. I just want to feel like myself again. I have only been out of the hospital after 16 days for four days now and I know this is an adjustment, but I have never been a very pt person. My husband and mom keep trying to force food down, but i just do not want it......still eating cherrios and yogurt and of course vitamin water and powerade zero to keep hydrated.
Just wondered how long you all grieved for and maybe its different for me because it was emergent. I had no time to cope with the idea or think of how life would change. I have skin breakdown already ( i have such sensitive skin) and they told me to use powder and barrier wipes? plus I use a strip of eakin seal around the opeinging I have sut for stoma. I am inbetween 1 " and 1 1/4" but I usually cut for 1 1/4"? Is this the right thing to do? I will try that since I change everything today. I am using a Hollister mini bag and seem to be doing fine with it....I have never not made it through the night....but I also know I am not eating normal. I have never been a big eater in general and I think that this will not change much when I get my appetite back. The noises have settled a little.....it sure smells like what you eat and I have a hirrible gag reflex. I have been using the deodorizer stuff they gave me, but I think I may try some mouth was or M9 drops. They tols me the mouth wash dries out the stoma, but if you all do ok with it then I do not see the big deal. Do you put it in after every empty?
Sorry again.....just feel so down today. I hope CC can give me some answers on May 27.....I am afraid of another surgery, but I think it would be great for me.
Thanks for all your help...I wish I was doing as well as all of you.