pfandme, I know exactly what you mean its 5 months sice my emergency best advice to you is LEXAPRO 30 helps.....i worried about
the bills.....but they will get paid if you have to pay them 5 dollars at a to them they will adjust sometimes the hospital did mine 25 % i had 26 days in t he for your husband....mine and me just had been married 5 months when this happened to us......our anniversery will be august 8 and on the 4 I will have my reversal........that is where we will spend our first husband still has problems with being intiment.....hes so afraid he will hurt to him, quietly when you have time to be alone......dont let this destroy your love.........its as hard on him, as it is on us......sometimes i think harder,,,,,people sent me flowers still and cards and he just nothing....thats why i try to give him special attention and thank him alot for standing by me.............he certainly done things to me i never though about
ever not being able to do for i have to have they ovaries removed and another docter dont want to touch me after the one messed me up....just know we all on here have our stories and take comfort in knowing everyone feels for you and weants more than anything to help someone on one of there many bad days.....these guys have taken turns listening and showing me email is
[email protected] you ever need a friend im here for each of you.......this forum has keep me sane when no one else you all,,,kim maggie