I got home from a weeks vacation Sunday at 6:20am. What a LONG DRIVE!!!!
My husband, son and I left our cabin deep in the Rocky Mountains in the late morning of the 8th and took our time going down. We stopped and shopped...lolly gagged around so J could have time to run about
. However, after the many hours of getting back into the truck over and over again, that just made our little man mad, and he started having mini-meltdowns every 30 minutes or so. We pushed on through and drove straight till morning! Tell me how difficult that would have been with UC. It basically would have never happened.
HOWEVER!!!! We made it out...had a great time...made it home...and though exhausted, we had a wonderful vacation!!!! We did lots of driving and I showed my husband around the mountain side. I spent a lot of time with our son, which was much needed after the long few weeks of work and school. It was amazing!
I will be honest...I am so wound tight b/c of all my daily stressors, that it took me a few days to even start to loosen up. Once I was able to enjoy myself and the fact that I was in my most favorite place in all the world, it was time to start thinking about home, work and school. Oy. So, I had about two days of vacation and the rest was filled with thoughts of anxiety. Am I crazy? Does this make me snotty and a total b-with-an-itch? Do any of you feel the same way with the seriousness of things? I feel that my new lease on life has become sacred and I need to make the best of each moment...and in my mind that means accomplishing something. I'm constantly on the go and in a frenzy. Why is that? I could analyze myself, but that would get messy and complicated. *sigh*
Well, in the end, I went on an amazing journey to the Frying Pan River Valley! Next year we will be staying for 2 weeks, and I will have all my ducks in a row prior to leaving. I had zero issues with my accessory due to the trip...just the little power house that happens to my son! He's so busy and orinary that his kicking ends up squishing my Eakin seal away from Penelope, so my skin becomes irritated. I had that issue once, but other than that it was all good!
Anyway, I just wanted to share my great vacation that would never have happened if I didn't have this wonderful surgery! Yay for being UC FREE!!!! It's been 6 months as of 08/06/09!!!!