Hi all....
I had my reversal on Oct 8 and 4 days later went in with fever, dehydration, and ileus and pain contol. My open wound is alomst healed but continues to drain from the hematoma. Its very obvious. When I stand to the side it sticks out above my inscision anout 3/4 '' and is hard to touch. Its not red and the drainage is not foul, but I wondered if any of you had experience with this. It has been just over 2 weeks and it does not appear much smaller. It was seen on the CT scan an no one seemed to worried becuase there was no abscess, but I have been told it can turn into infection and I am nervous once my wound closes which i would bet would be in the next week it will have no where to drain. I know the body is supposed to reabsorb this, but it looks deformed and does not seenm to be reabsorbing. Did any of you hae drainage for this long. It is still pretty bloody brown drainage. I change my 4x4 twice a day. I do not want it to heal like this and never have a normal belly again. Can these be drained? Is it something I should be worried about?