same thing happened to me...
i was enjoying life, at 23, going to the gym etc etc and then after a bout of food poisoning, my life was turned upside down. i lost nearly 3 stones in a year, couldnt go out, split up with the other half, moved back home and never went out.
my doc said not to give up hope and there were more pills to try, so off i went 'again' to the chemist for another bag of pills, jeans too big for me, and what were once tight fit, good looking t-shirts, now just hanging off me.
then 1 nite, i had very bad stomach pains, and i knew something was wrong...went to my GP and was taken to hospital, had scans and x-rays and finally at 10pm surgeons came rushing onto my ward to say that my bowel had split/perforated and i was in trouble!!!!?!?!?
to cut a long story short, i had an op and woke up with a stoma bag, but too be honest i knew that was coming as no medication worked for me.
i am now a completely different person, take no medication wotsoeva and go out as i should. i cover the bag up when i go out and just say its to protect my scar and i feel normal.
but i know what you mean, when you say it gets to you mentally, but just think how quick the next 6mths will go?! i had my op in sept and its basically jan now, so thats4 mths gone already, so im nearly there.
hang in there, any q's just email me...