Now that is the question. I hate that I always feel like I can smell myself unless it's only been a few hours since I changed my wafer. Sometimes even when the bag is empty, I swear I smell poo. My husband and my mom say they can't smell it so I usually believe them but I hate that sometimes I'm probably more awkward around people just because I'm sure they can smell me.
I use a pouch with a filter so I know that it's less likely I smell but sometimes my pants cause the poo to get smooshed onto the filter and then it just doesn’t matter what I do, the filter isn't self cleaning so then I can really smell it. These are the times when I'm most worried about other people being able to notice the smell. Luckily if it happens at work it's usually at the end of the day and I work in a cube farm so I have a little aroma therapy jar that I hope helps. Though, sometimes scented things can just make the poo smell festive- like apple-cinnamon flavored poo.
Has anyone who didn't know you have an ostomy ever noticed a smell and said something? Tell me your smelly belly stories please. It's a slow day at work and I really need to feel like I'm not alone here.