Gilda, I have colonic inertia and an obstructive defecation disorder. My life revolved around me taking laxatives and sitting on the toilet 3 to 6 hours everyday. After going from doctor to doctor, I finally decided to have surgery, but refused the total colectomy due to the outlet problem, but also because I just didn't think I could live with "worse".
So, my doctor did a subtotal colectomy, removed 1 to 1 &1/2 feet of my colon, performed a rectopexy, which is where he pulled the rectum up, and hooked me up to a temporary loop ileostomy.
My quality of life is so much better with the stoma. I can eat and not feel sick and bloated. I spend less than 30 minutes a day emptying my bag, which is way better than the 3 to 6 hours a day I was spending.
I was diagnosed with reflux many years ago and have been sitting up to sleep for atleast 6 years and have taken a bottle of rolaids every week for just as long....well, I can now sleep laying down and have only chewed 4 rolaids since having my surgery 6 weeks ago. I still take nexium though and I will ask my doctor what he thinks about me trying to discontinue it.
I also suffered horrible nausea and it too has been reduced by about 75%. Instead of taking zofran 3 times a day, I have been taking 6 pills a week.
Of course having the bag takes some getting used to. I have had a yeast infection around the stoma, which I took some medicine for and it is all cleared up now, but I do have some skin erosion right below the stoma that I am still working on.
I have to get up 1 to 2 times per night to empty, which is okay though because I am used to getting up to pee anyways, just takes me a little more time and of course emptying a poop bag half asleep can cause issues. Last night I poured half of the contents of the bag onto the floor.... Nothing funner than cleaning the bathroom floor in the middle of the night with bleach, but hey, not a big deal and I can laugh about it now.
I wish you the best of luck, Tracy