sorry for the long reply, my computer broke, had to get a new one and got it only today.
i don't think soiling will be an issue for you, it's highly unlikely to happen to someone with a rectum.
how about trying something for the gas, like some ppl here take gas x to help with that. i don't have much air now, and if i do, it's usually over night. sometimes i can't help it and eat ice cream, so then the bag balloons up that night, but it's no biggie.
in general, for ppl like us it's more common we continue to have C issues even after a colectomy rather than D issues, but yes, everyone is different and there's no way we can know how it'll be for you, BUT from all the stories i read on the total colectomy parts, there are maybe 2 women who got constant diarreah, which is a very tiny %, so really, most chances it won't happen to you.
i hope you do great, hon! best wishes, love and hugs your way ♥♥