I've explained my story numerous times. Short synopsis: 2 years of colonic inertia and anismus.
Tried everything (see below). On my second round of biofeedback. Roughly 10 sessions now. Several weeks ago I started taking Vitamin C, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc, Blue Green Algae, and Flax Seed. I still take my capful of Miralax as well. Last Wednesday I had 4 bowel movements (having ONE bowel movement would have been earth shattering as it is). On Thursday I had biofeedback and hovered around 12 microvolts (which definitely isn't flat lining). I had several bowel movements later in the day. Everyday (a whole week now) I have had multiple bowel movements (slightly soft). The only "diet change" I've made is that I've been eating salad everyday since I don't want to lose my streak.
Does anyone have any thoughts? It is so positive, but extremely abnormal that I don't know what to do? I still have some discomfort. I haven't touched an enema in a week and before that was the only thing that would work.
I don't want to stop the salads, but I certainly can't fathom eating them everyday.