Posted 4/11/2013 5:40 AM (GMT 0)
I have been living with colonic inertia for 9 years. I have survived
Because of two things: a colema board.. if you don't know
That that is, google it.. and a fiber product you can get online..
Judy Marie's Miracles of Health. I took the puracleanse and
Cleanse caps. Unfortunately, during the 8th month of my 3
Month old sons pregnancy, the fiber/laxatives stopped working.
hose got me through seven years, so I was floored when
They stopped working.
Last week I saw a surgeon in Denver who will be performing
The colectomy surgery next month. Dr. Santosh Nandi.
All he needed was my colonoscopy and sitz marker test results.
I can't believe how excited I am to have this surgery.
I am so very glad to be done torturing myself with
Trying to figure out the perfect diet and root emotional
Cause. Sometimes the colon just doesn't work. And whether
You eat doughnuts or apples, its just going to sit there.