Hi Blue,
Unfortunately suit settlements come with a gag order. That means the minute I get settlement I have to stay TOTALLY MUM. Or as I understand they can counter sue and get their money back. Settlement pays for your silence. What I had in mind was 20/20 or the Today Show
But that will be a no-go. That is what perpetuates them being able to do this to others. This is what I had hoped to stop, but not the way things work. Maybe I can write a patient advocacy book or something to still help people. I can put in the part saying patients should skulk about
the civil superior court clerk's office of the court house of the city in which the doc practices! Hardly what we as patients are thinking about
when we go to a doc to get a problem solved or go on multiple consults as I did. Most patients trust, like we can, with MOST docs. But, it is scary..........R