Hi Everyone,
I am a teacher, and a few weeks ago many of my students came down with a 24 hour stomach bug. I got it too, and thought once it was over, I'd be fine. But since the first 24 hours, I've gotten it like 5 more times. Only once did I actually throw up, but each time I've gotten CRAZY liquid output, and really high output at that. I also feel very nautious and dizzy.
I am not sure why this keeps happening. I will feel good for a few days, and then crappy for a few days. I don't think it's Crohn's coming back, because I have a scratchy or sore throat with it as well. Could it be C. diff? I've had that before. But I don't think that'd cause a sore throat.
The only other option of what it might be is a side effect of a homeopathic product I'm taking called Yeastrol. It's a mouth spray that is supposed to help get rid of yeast infections (I've had one under my wafer for like 6 months and my dr won't prescribe diflucan anymore). I've found nothing on the internet about side effects....only good things! So I'm not sure what it could be.
Any ideas or help? I really can't figure this out.