Posted 6/2/2011 3:38 PM (GMT 0)
I just had an ileo reversal done on May 18th. I had a colostomy for 6 months. went for reversal on March 16th and was horrified to wake up with an ileostomy. had the ileo for only 9 weeks and now totally reversed. my situation is a little different than most on the forum. I don't have chrones disease or colitis. I had severe stage 4 endometrosis that caused a near complete colon blockage. I was in the hospital for only 2 days after my ileo reversal. bowels started moving the very next day. For the first few days, it was very urgent. and had to get to a bathroom immediatly. but I still never went more than 4 times a day max. 6 days after the surgery, I started having bad stomach pain again and vomiting. My parents brought me to ER and was immediatly admitted. I had developed a kink in my intestines whic is very common with reversals. I was put on NPO and was in the hosptial for 4 days. I am home now and doing great. no more problems and bowel functions are totally back to normal. only going once or twice a day. just had my 2 week post op appt today and I go back to work tomorrow. My scar only looks like a tiny scratch, never would of guessed a stoma was once there. I don't have a j-pouch so I can't help you there. I am back to the original plumbing. Only a foot of my colon was taken out due to the damage the endometrosis caused.