I agree with UC wife. My surgeon told me I could eat anything as long as I chew, chew and chew some more..lol. I have taken his advice and so far, so good. I finally attempted corn on the cob (you know us Jersey girls have to have corn!). I avoided it last year as I was a newbie to the stoma and didn't want a problem with blockage. I had no problem with it. I eat granola bars all the time, no problems.
My advice though is not to eat too soon after surgery. One of the residents told me I could eat three days post op. The 4th of July weekend was coming up and I think she wanted to get rid of as many patients as possible, without the knowledge of my surgeon. Well, I ate alright.....and it all came up, plus some. They had to stick that nasty NG tube down into my stomach . When my surgeon visited me that day, he was furious with his resident. He said, "Don't let ANYONE tell you when you can eat! Your body will tell you when you can eat." Of course, I was on liquids prior to that and had to go back on a liquid diet for a few more days. So that episode set me back a bit.
Eva, you will be fine. Just think positive thoughts and take things easy.