Hello all!
A quick background: 42 year old female, have always had pretty extreme constipation, i.e. as a kid, maybe once a week, progressing to the last two-ish years where I don't have any bm without laxitives and enemas. In order to get any result, I currently have to take triple doses of Myralax, a bottle of Mag Citrate and two Fleet enemas. I've tried diet changes, lifestyle changes, all sorts of different meds (RX and OTC), plenty of "natural" remedies from homeopaths, etc.
Had Xrays last year over a couple of days, and dr.s could see I wasn't exaggerating, and it hurt--but that's been standard for awhile. Had a colonoscopy, it was fine. Did a Sitzmarker and it was text-book Colonic Inertia. More than one Dr. gave this diagnosis. Specialist said it wasn't due to my diet (or anything else I could have done, like a sports injury or C-section not done right), but was genetic. All recommended sugery to remove the colon and attach the small intestine to the rectum.
Have already talked to the surgeon and set the date for operation as Oct 10.
But I woke up this morning strongly thinking "Why on earth am I doing this? I'm used to living this way, and it's not great to spend evenings with an enema and drink that HORRIED Mag Cit, but is it really worse than having such major surgery?" I don't know any other way of life and there certainly isn't any guarantee that going to the bathroom 10+ times per day is any better! Also, there are lots of great people on this board, very happy with their bags, but I just really, really can't stand the thought of a bag/pouch. Dr. says my chances are slim of getting one. But about down the road...complications?
Sooo....why not just skip surgery? What is the worst thing that can happen, other than that I would continue living this life I now know? I ask the Dr.s, but I think they are afraid to predict one way or another. They just observe what the test and symptoms show, and say surgery is my best option for a "normal" life. They say they can't imagine what my life is like, only I can.
I do have times of a lot of pain, but okay days, too. I'm not thrilled with the laxatives/enemas. But this seems like a huge risk just to avoid not being able to have a BM on my own. So: What are the worst scenarios if I don't have surgery?
Thoughts, please??