Hello all-
I've been posting and reading alot about the BM patterns and meds/diets used for colonic inertia--pre surgery--but I haven't seen anything posted about a consistent pain in the lower left side. That pain is what brought me in to the dr in the first place, although my constipation had already been pretty bad (3Xmonth at that time, without meds). Even when I've cleared my bowels through meds/diets (like a colonoscopy cleanse), the pain is still usually there. There are some times (maybe a couple of days per week, at best) when I don't notice it. Sometimes it bothers me enough that it pretty much immobilizes me, usually in the evenings, night-time. Pain is usually dull and persistant, but can move to strong, and/or burning, and/or sharp. It's been over a year.
Dr.s really haven't been very helpful. Some have said it might be a hernia they can't detect, others say it is directly related to the colonic inertia. In addition to the tests listed in my signature, dr.s have done multiple x-rays, an ultrasound and manual exams on the surface area.
So...does anyone else have this specific, non-changing pain on the lower left? I certainly get other pain with this, but nothing like the one I'm writing about.