hi everyone,
just wondered if anyone experienced the same as me. ever since my ileo op on July 2010 i've had repeated UTI's. every time i'm given antibiotics and it's better, but after 2-3 mons it comes back. i've had 4 UTI's so far and this is a lot more than i've had all my life.. this current UTI is the worst of the rest. started on last friday with low fever and chills. thought i got the flu. saturday feeling worst with fever and chills. then satrurday night really bad pain in the lower abd + really bad pain and pressure and burning feeling at my perineum area. sunday morning it was very painful to urinate and the urine was totally bloody.
same day gave urine to the lab. dr called at 10 pm to tell me this is a severe UTI, gave me lots of antibiotics for 10 days and said after that to come back to him and he'll give me a preventive treatment, which means some kind of antibiotics that you can take for a long period of time. hate this :(
has anyone on here experienced this situation after surgery? i'm going to also make an appt to a urologist for a consult and wanted to know if anyone had this, what tests they had you do and what treatments you had?
thanks all.