Nope, you are not weird one little bit. I am another one who loves her ileostomy [Lillie the Iley.]
I had some rough times over the last 2 years and I actually chose a permanent Ileostomy over drugs [poison IMHO.] I in no way suffered as much or as long as many others on this board, but I knew this decision was right for me. I researched as much as I could and checked the posts in the archives of this board and other boards.
As others have pointed out, you have time and don't need to make your decision by Dec. Don't rush it and take some time to see if you want to live with a bag forever. In my case it has given me my life back and I can enjoy life my grandchildren. I am so thankful for my bag. If I were younger, I honestly don't know what I would have done. It is a personal choice and in time you will know what you want to do. { { { H U G S } } }