So today was the first birthday I have had in 11 years that was UC free! Wooohoooo! I am able to eat cake and ice cream without fear.
I got my staples out on Monday, and my surgeon said everything looked good so far. He cleaned off the part of the incision that was draining and put three steri-strips on it. He didn't seem concerned about it at all. Now it's still draining on and off so I keep a piece of gauze taped over the strips. However, yesterday and today I've noticed this gooey stuff oozing through the strips... I'm reeaaally hoping it's just from the adhesive on the strips or something, and not puss. I don't know, though. Otherwise, I'm fine- no fever, the area isn't "hot" or anymore red than it was. I don't even know how it could be infected at this point, the incision is quite well closed up and healing. The drainage is all from surface opening, if you know what I mean. Ehhhh, whatever. I guess I'll wait out the weekend and if it's still looking strange, I'll email the surgeon again. *shrugs shoulders*