Ok..four days ago, I ate a roast beef sandwich too fast and caused a partial blockage. I have had tons of liquid coming out of my stoma but thats it. I have an illeostomy but its never been
just liquid ever. For the first 2 days I could keep down 2-4 cups of water. Then yesterday I ate some small amounts of food. It stayed down so I tried eating more and now Im back to day one...feeling very full, Bloated, heartburn, nautious, sore lower back.
Im wondering how long its safe for me to wait this out. I hear most of us wait for it to pass? Ive tried the walking, tea, prune juice, lots of water, hot bath, heating pads, massaging...but its still partially blocked. Im going on day 5. Will the food that is stuck cause me to get sick? I just got out of the hospital for having blood clots in my lungs and Im in noo hurry to go back. (pout,pout)