Fruitcake said...
Thank you for your kind words. Crohn's can effect both the small bowel and large bowel as well as other organs.
I did have some problems with small intestine inflammation before. Since I had my colon removed I have had no
problems except for blockage twice and the surgeon gave me mineral oil to drink and within 12 hours it was clear.
My surgeon suggested that I keep mineral oil in the house and if I felt like I had a blockage to try that first. It works!
What caused the blockage? Watermelon, it was suppose to be seedless but it had tiny white seeds. I have decided I
will wait a couple of more days and than if things are not better I will see the doctor.
Bluegrass, my disease sounds like yours, I was told I had both C.D. and UC. I tried every treatment available and
nothing worked. I ended up in the hospital for 27 days and knew the colon would have to be removed but had to
wait until I could make red blood cells. When I say I had bad experiences with doctors that is an understatement.
My doctor did not think I was as sick as I was. This is a problem for all of us. It is bad enough to have a medical
problem that you can not control but most doctors treat us like we are just a bunch of complainers. I found that
they got upset if the prescribed meds didn't work. Even worse was to be in a clinical trial and and be one of the
people that got worse with the drugs you were testing. The one thing I learned from all this is you have to take
charge of your health,ask a lot of questions and chat with people on web sites like this because you are not alone
and usually someone here has had a similar experience.
Hi Fruitcake.
Sorry to message you hear in a public board. I was just hoping to ask you a question about
working out and wearing a weight-belt.