I'm a 22 year old with a J pouch and honestly, after you get home from the hospital stay, there isn't MUCH care to be done besides just basically waiting on him
Of course he will be VERY weak and will need help with things as simple as getting off the couch.
The surgeon will usually suture the stoma site from the inside I believe, and from the outside it almost looks like an
open wound, but it's not and I believe as you said, it is to prevent infections. It will heal up and there will be a pretty decent size scar (I hate the stoma site scar 100 X's more then where they cut me
open down the middle of my stomach) . Best of luck to you and your son!!!
Just for a positive for the whole experience, I am back to racing motocross with my J pouch and living a full active life, I actually just took a very very very serious crash and broke my collar bone, they were worried of internal injuries and a broken pelvis, and my j pouch was 100% fine!
Here is one of my posts if you wanna take a look and show your son that this will not keep him from doing anything!