Hello! I posted to your other thread, but will comment in this specifically here. So sorry I missed your first few post op days. :-(.
As far as the training goes....kegels, kegels, kegels....but I know that you know that. Things starting up after 30 hours is great! For the holding it and training the pouch: I did not worry about
this for the first 2-3 days. I just went when it felt like I had to. After that though, I started going in to the toilet, sitting down, but practicing holding it in for a minute or so before I let things out. As I became confident in my ability to do that, I increased the time a little bit. All of this while sitting on the toilet so if my attempts to hold it in failed, I was already in the right place and no big deal about
things coming on out.
Once I had that down, I started holding it and waiting a minute or two before I got up to go to the bathroom. Gradually, I was able to extend that time. You will too! Just give your body time to adjust to what is going on and use the Immodium as you need it.
On the food front, things got much better for me pouch wise once I was able to get something in me that was more substantial than ice cream or liquids. Peanut butter sandwiches, mashed potatoes, grilled cheese sandwiches, crackers....adding these into my diet a few days into my hospital stay made a huge difference for me in terms of frequency. Try slowly advancing to these food with small portions to start and see if they help you.
I will check in more frequently in the coming days, so please post anymore questions you have.