I know there is someone else here who has it and has been battling - I know we went back and forth about
my abscess, etc. I had the CT scan today and there were no pus pockets, no nothing to indicate an abscess. I had all 3 colo-rectal surgeons from the clinic and my wound nurse in the room and they are 99% sure it is pyoderma. I am still healing my midline incision but she is hopeful it will be done by my next Wednesday appointment so I can start the oral steroids (joy of joys) so for now I am on topical ointment which is a real pain in the ass to try to pouch over but my WOCN worked her magic and made it happen. I go back tomorrow so they can put the wound vac on my rear and my WOCN is going to change my pouch and work her magic again for me :)
I didn't go to work yesterday from all the pain I was in when I left my appointment, I left work at noon today when the pain got so bad I was nauseous and I called off for tomorrow and Saturday hoping to give things a chance to do what they are supposed to do and I can go back on Monday. Fingers crossed.
My doctor said she should have known that is what it was from the very beginning since 1 in 100,000 people are affected by it and those are the kind of odds I seem to like LOL!