I started having some mild pain last night around my stoma and I thought maybe I had cut my
opening too small and was cutting off my poor stella, something just didn't seem right. So I decided to change my pouch last night (instead of this morning) and thank God I did - if hubby hadn't been here I probably would have had a nervous breakdown, well, I sort of did anyway.
I have been battling the pyoderma (allegedly) for quite some time and I don't know WHAT is going on with it now! An infection? No, fever or other signs of infection. Fungal? I dunno, not sure what that would look like compared to what I have. Am I developing an allergy to the products I am using? Ack!
Anyway, the distal portion of skin near my stoma is totally ick and now there is a smaller than dime size area that has opened up/disappeared allowing the tissue underneath to be exposed and actually the portion around it that is still intact lifts away from my body. I have several more little pin prick holes that were/were not producing "stuff" for lack of a better term. My output is fine and function is fine - everything wants to work, why can't my skin cooperate?!?!
I sent a pic and text to my WOCN last night (yes, we have that kind of relationship God love her!) and she called me back this AM to check on me and asked how I treated it to repouch. I told her I cleaned the area thoroughly, applied silver Arglase powder, laid down a thin layer of cavilon, applied stoma powder, laid down another thin layer of cavilon, hit it with the blow dryer on cool to "set it up" and went about my normal pouching routine. She said that is exactly what she would have done had I been in the office. She asked if I wanted to be seen today and I really do want someone to look at it, it would ease my mind. I will go in this afternoon on my way home from work - hopefully my Humira will be ready to pick up. I think I will also give a call to my GI and see if he wants me to email him the pics that hubby took. I may just have to do the freaking prednisone - ugh.
So, that was my evening. Good times :) Oh, I would upload the picture to the photobucket account but I dunno that you guys really want to see it.