surgery is tomorrow!!! and i just recently have been baffled by something... my placement has been marked for about
two weeks now and i wore my favorite jeans to the WOCN meeting but heres my question... i read an old post on here about
stoma placement being either below or above your belt line. i am a small guy (5'8" and 130 pounds currently) and i cant see how in the world a stoma could be placed below the belt line. everyone seems to say this is best so that flow into the bag isnt restricted but for my stoma to be below beltilne it would literally have to be in my groin area!!! at the meeting i stood up, sat down, layed down, stretched and moved in whacky ways to see where my skin and belly creased and all and where she put the mark seemed perfect and very comparable to the pics iv seen and where it surgically should be. most of the pics i see on google and such are people wearing their pants or shorts lower than where the stoma is. i dont know if im just different or if theres something im missing but if mine were below my belt line that would mean my belt would cross my belly button and be way high off my hips. can anyone shed any light on this as i want to make sure im not missing anything before i commit to this spot!!! thank you my wonderful healingwell friends!!!
God Bless!!!