I think you're saving yourself years of pain, sickness, and accidents by having surgery sooner rather than later. Cleveland Clinic is a phenomenal place to have it done, and they'll keep you very comfortable with IV pain medicine after surgery.
To answer some of your questions...
1. What should I consider taking with me to the hospital?
I would bring your laptop and cell phone, robe and slippers, your own toiletries (toothbrush, shampoo, hand cream, lip balm, etc.), Gas-X, and hard candies. The butterscotch candies are delicious when you can't have anything but ice chips after surgery until your stoma starts working. Walking helps wake the intestines up, so the more you can walk after surgery the better!
2. What OTC supplies should I have at home?
Tylenol and Gas-X. Also, Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive ostomy deodorizer. Just put a capful in the pouch and there's no odor.
3. What types of foods should I be ready to have at home? Does anybody know of a list of good foods for a new ostomy patient?
Here's a good list of foods to eat and avoid: www.nutritioncare.org/uploadedFiles/Professional_Resources/ASPEN_Patient_Education_Manual_Sample/III_B5a_IIeostomy_Diet.pdf
After a while, you can experiment with more foods. I find that I can eat anything now, but was very careful right after surgery.
4. How much space does your supply kit take up?
A change of supplies fits in a small makeup bag, preferably Vera Bradley!
Keep the questions coming!