Posted 1/14/2014 12:37 AM (GMT 0)
You weren't on flagyl were you? that can cause weird nasty tongue stuff. Oral thrush is not that big of a deal, babies get it often. If it is truly thrush, there is a one dose pill called Diflucan that will clear it right up. If you don't want to go the RX route, you can treat with gentian violet from the healthfood store, but it will require painting the entire inside of your mouth purple.
Be sure to replace or at least boil your toothbrush and any other devices you put in your mouth so as to avoid reinfection.
I'm a former lactation counselor, thrush is something I have dealt with a lot. It's a pain to get rid of! Unfortunately, I've got it now, myself, under my wafer and it's driving me crazy!