My quadraplegic husband had a clonostopy 2 weeks ago. On day 6, the nurse noticed that his skin had pulled away from the stoma leaving a very deep crevice next to the stoma about
2 or 3 inches deep. At the same time, she realized that the
opening of his stoma was also deeply embedded in that crevice. She referred him to the emergency surgeon, who came to look at it a few days later. He felt that the stoma was fine and that it would be okay to leave it as it was, but also told us we could opt to have a second surgery to have it fixed. At that time, we opted to not have the second surgery. Since then, I am home and doing some research and I am so overwhelmed with all the information. It sounds like my husband has a Mucocutaneous Seperation, which should be treated as an
open wound and packed and healed up. However, if it is healed the
opening of the stoma would then be trapped??? Also, if it is left
open so that the stoma can operate as it should...It sounds like he will be having many many many infections. Should we be considering the second surgery? Any help or advice or words of wisdom to help me understand better what is going on will be so very appreciated.
Totally confused
Edited to add title - Shaz Post Edited By Moderator (Shaz032) : 5/26/2015 4:30:38 AM (GMT-6)