Don't forget it's in your right to at least apply for the Disability Tax Credit. (DTC)
To be eligible is as follows
Markedly restricted
A person is markedly restricted if, they are unable or takes an inordinate amount of time to do one or more of the basic activities of daily living, even with therapy (other than life-sustaining therapy) and the use of appropriate devices and medication. This restriction must be present all or substantially all the time (at least 90% of the time).
What we mean by "inordinate amount of time"
This is a clinical judgment made by a medical practitioner who observes a recognizable difference in the time it takes a patient to do an activity. Usually, this equals 3 times the average time needed to complete the activity by a person of the same age who does not have the impairment.
Basic activities of daily living
See the links below to get details, examples and videos explaining each basic activity of daily living.
Eliminating (bowel or bladder functions)
Mental functions necessary for everyday life
The credit can go back up to 10 years and open you up to back payment. Lowering your total income by 7 to 8,000 per year plus opening you up to many other benefits such as the RDSP which for anyone younger than 50 is major savings benefit for those with disabilities. Government matched bonds and contribution aid up to 300% of money put in to a certain limit. $1000/year bond for anyone under the income amount determined by the government. Edited (Virdent) : 9/2/2019 12:27:24 PM (GMT-6)