Hi; this is my first time on a chat line. My husband underwent surgery for Stage III colorectal cancer almost 7 wks. ago. He had radiation & oral chemo prior to surgery and the rectal tumor was completely reduced. He had a laproscopic resection of his lower colon and was given a temporary ileostomy. We were told that a reversal surgery would occur in late July 2006. An initial pet scan (in January prior to chemo/rad) showed no other cancer anywhere in his body. The pathology from nodes, etc. came back clear after surgery. Now we are given the choice of post-surgery chemo (5FU, drip form) to minimize the chance of recurrance, 12 treatments given over six months. The surgeon & oncologist have said the chemo treatment could delay the reversal procedure. My husband is 55 years old and also has a significant heart condition, but the cardiologist has okayed the chemo. Does anyone out there have a similar experience or have any advice? My husband is very depressed to think he may have to deal with the ileostomy another 6-7 months, as it has been very restrictive and hard to deal with....he's had lots of gas and has to dump the bag hourly during the day and get up at least twice at night to empty it. We are using Hollister brand, 2-piece. Does anyone have suggestions to make the ileostomy more manageable or any advice regarding the post-surgery chemo recommendation?