Hello All,
My name is Shannon, I'm 30 and have had an Ostomy since 27. I was told that because I had to have my Spleen removed, the year before that it wasn't their to keep the natural E-coli that is in our bowls in check, and that it is what caused me to have a syptic episode which ended up leaving me with a Colostomy and full Hysterectomy at the young age of 27. I kept the Colo for 6 months then had the reversal, but 2 months later ended up with the Ileostomy that I have now. What I am wondering is how many others out there also don't have their Spleen's? Is this a legitament reason for what happened or is there more to it and the doctors just can't explain. I have had my ostomy now for over 2 years and to be honest I'm scared to have another reversal and end up back with the Colostomy. I can say that after having them both I prefer the Ileo, it still sucks don't get me wrong but it's diffenately the lesser of to evils. Are other of you out there looking for answers? How are you, do you have any advise or suggestions?