Hi, I am asking on behalf of my mother.
She had a total colectomy 4 years ago and has had constant complications ever since. She has had 2 emergency surgeries after a blockage due to hernias. Now she has a very large hernia which her surgeon says will mean her stoma being resited to the other side. She's panicking now. Last surgery they used pig skin because of the lower risk of infection. This time they're not using it because the hernia is so bad. They also told her she needs a drastic weight loss programme before the surgery, scheduled for 6 weeks time unless the hernia causes an emergency admission. She has already lost 18 pounds, and to be honest she's probably only 14 pounds overweight now. The question she wants to ask is has anyone had their stoma resited? and if so how long was the recovery? Is it worse than the initial surgery. Also will being this much overweight really have such an impact on the hernia repair. Thanks very much.