Here is my long and crazy story!
Sunday, stupid me ate pizza, well that ended up with me up all night crying out in pain with gas,so that was fun. So Monday I was exhausted and too tired to do anything. Then Mon night I took my med, and got choked on it, then about ten minutes later I threw up a little, from the choking. Well I didn't know if my meds had stayed in or not (they are AED meds, so its really important that I take them) so I took them again, but not the full dose. Well apparently they had stayed in, so Tues I was in this horrible drugged state and I could not stay awake, extra doses of phenobarbital will do that to you! During the day however I keep noticing that there are little tiny bits of leakage on my undies, I think it's probably because I haven't cleaned it well during the day. So that night, in the middle of the night I realize that there are two tiny holes in the plastic part of the tail of the bag. SO changed the bag at like 3am. Well I guess I didn't put the bag on all the way, and I wake up Wed morining covered in poo! So Wed goes pretty well, other than that. Wed night my husband and I change the whole thing. Thursday I wake up unable to get good deep breaths. My husband thinks I have pneumonia, my Mom thinks I have blood clots and is going to take me to the ER (her Mom died of that so she was really scared) so I get in the shower and when I get out I realize that for some reason all the bandaid part stuff of the flange has come loose. In less than 24hours, what is that about? So we change that, during which time the surgeons office calls back, says not to worry about the breathing thing, go the regular dr tomorrow. So I take a nap and wake up feeling just fine. I guess I was just tired. But I go to the dr Fri anyway, even though I feel better than I have the whole time. I get there and the nurse takes my blood pressure and it is 84/54, and my heart rate is 117. So with that information, my dr tells me to go the ER immediatley, it could be that I am bleeding somewhere and I could still have blood clots. So I am freaking out, crying like a baby, thinking I am dying (I am a bit of a drama queen) My Dad takes me home to get my husband and my sister brings my son home to see me, because I am conviced I am dying and will never see him again, I made my poor sister cry. Anyway my husband is asst manager of the ER so I get to go right in(that's quite a perk) nurse takes my blood pressure and its 122/78. So apparentlly the nurse at the dr office took it wrong. My heart rate is still high, but noone is extremely concerned about that. But they still do all these tests, just to make sure nothing is wrong, CT of my chest, no blood clots, blood tests, just to make sure my levels are all ok, they are fine. Check my blood pressure a few more times, it goes down to 110/70, but that's about normal for me. Anyway I get lots of fluids and a diagnosis of there is nothing wrong with you. They said I might have been a bit dehydrated. So basically I spent all day in the ER because a nurse took my blood pressure wrong!