Lots of luck with the surgery!!! We're here to help you along the way to recovery. Give yourself time to heal both physically and emotionally. Having an ostomy is whatever you decide to make of it. At first (1989)I was miserable with an ostomy. I was only 28, married(and still am to the same great woman) with a son and on my way up the corporate ladder. I thought my world as I knew it was over. I spent some time feeling sorry for myself. However, it didn't take me long to realize that my life was improving little by little every day.
I was no longer in pain. I was doing things that I wouldn't dream of before the surgery. Plus, I was no longer scoping out the bathrooms every place I went. Now, life is good....REALLY GOOD!!! You'll see. Just give yourself a little time to adapt to the "new addition."
Please let us know how the surgery went.