sorry to hear about your dad.Unfortunately a serious side effect of parkinson's is depression,and all have to watch for signs of this terrible affliction.yes pd drugs do often have seerious side effcts on the usersfor this reason pd victims need to work with their neurologists to fine tune meds ,timing,and dosage.No two individuals react to the same drug the same way.This is also true of pd as every individual has their own unique set of symotms.This must create an interesting research situation for those drug companies developing pd drugs.I have been livng with pd for 6+years and find myself gratefull for those drugs which enable me to function ,work and find some quality in life.I currently am on mirapex and stalevo,and there are side effects which are frustrating but i can live with them.What happened to your dad is a tragedy,but the blame cannot be put on anyone or any drug,but can and should be placed on pd,and let us hope for a cure soon.Ed