I have had PD for five years..I have taken mirapex 1 mg 3 times a day along with sinemet cardopa/levadopa 25/100 mg 1-1/2 tablets 4 times daily. I have on and off had severe swelling in my legs and feet..I have gotten off of mirapex once before and tried requip which did nothing for mel. I have been back on mirapex cinse May of this year. I am now going off Mirapex again because the swelling is worse than ever; however, the swelling has not gone away this time as it did before.
I am wondering if anyone has had the same problem andif so, what did you
do?? I feel much worse just being on Sinemet and have more trouble walkign, etc.
Has anyone been told of another reason for this swelling in the legs and feet rather than the drug Mirapex.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated..