Welcome to Healing Well. You are doing a great thing by educating yourself. Only you know what works best for you. You are your best advocate!
Those of us with PD often start out on one of the dopamine agonists - Mirapex or Requip. However, the significance of your symptoms, age and other factors can also influence that decision. The medication that unquestionably works the best is Sinemet or Stalevo (Sinemet with Comtan). Those medications generally - and everyone is different - work for about 5 years and can then begin to cause some significant side effects - dyskinesia, in particular. I am a proponent of delaying Sinemet as long as possible. But that is influenced by the fact that I was diagnosed in my early/mid 40's and have many years ahead of me. I am 'saving' Sinemet for the time when other meds are no longer effective. There also are medications geared towards specific symptoms - ex., Artane for tremor.
It's a personal choice. Just be sure it's an educated one. I commend you for being here and doing just that - educating yourself. No one understands PD like someone with the disease.
Best of luck,