Cat53 said...
Drange, I believe that at least a large percentage of autoimmune diseases are symptomatic of an pathogen. Lyme is an epidemic. My husband was diagnosed with ALS last summer. His symptoms began in Oct. 2010. I researched and discovered that Lyme mimics many health conditions so he got tested through a Lyme reputable lab called Igenex. He tested positive for 5 bands. Unfortunately many doctors test with labs that don't have such sensitive methods of testing for the bacteria, and according to CDC the results of less than 5 bands don't qualify as a diagnosis for being infected. That said, many people are then told their testing was negative when they actually are infected. My husband has Chronic Lyme and doesn't remember being bitten by a tick and he never had a rash. At any rate, he started alternative treatment for his infection(s) and the ALS symptoms stopped progressing. He has slowly been healing. I have no doubt if we didn't get tested and start treatment for Lyme, he would be in a wheelchair or dead now. It is wise for anyone who is diagnosed with an autoimmune disease to be tested for Lyme through Igenex or see an LLMD. To answer your question, it could be both. I used to think it just mimicked, but it may be possible to get these same symptoms other ways....genetic is a possibility. I believe 5% of ALS sufferers have a genetic predisposition to the illness. For the most part, I think it is symptomatic of an infection.
hey ive been wondering if maybe i have lyme... i have no insurance i dont have a way to be tested... im wondering if i should just take the antibiotics for it anyway... i have connections with some family in tijuana and know i can get a priscript
ion there?... what do you think?... can you tell me the dose and what antibiotic he took to improve?