Looking for advice, as what to do, because I am at my wit's end.
I was doing quite nicely on Permax for about a year and a half , and then we all know what happened with that. Also taking regular Sinmet with that.
My neurologist added rasagiline and Comtan to my regular Sinemet. I seemed to get worse, and after about a week, he advised to stop the Comtan, sent me a script for Sinemet CR, but told me not to fill it.
In frustration, I went to a different neurologist who added the Sinemet CR (1/2 pill 4X day), and paralodel (bromocriptine), starting at 1/2 pill for 5 days; then increase to 1 pill and now I am up to 1-1/2 pills of parladel 4X/day. This is what I am on now:
6am 10 am 2pm 6pm
2 Sinemet 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2
1/2 Sinemet CR 1/2 1/2 1/2
1 Azilect (6 am only)
1-1/2 parladel (6, 10, 2 6pm)
I am getting no relief and have been on this regimen for 3 weeks.
Does this sound normal to anyone?
Has anyone heard of Zelapar (tablet dissolved in mouth Sinemet).
I'm so frustrated and don't know what to do.
Thank you all.